Fourgon aménagé

3 places

3 places
de couchage

Permis B

Animaux à bord

À propos de ce fourgon aménagé



Loueur professionnel

  • Carte grise vérifiée
  • Contrôle technique vérifié

The new design of this classic Volkswagen Crafter has improved over the years, making it more spacious and full of surprises. Easy to drive and manageable. You can get the most out of your adventure. Storage space adjusted to all your basic needs, opaque windows, a comfortable mattress to rest on in the back, and many more things will make you enjoy your experience.

Perfect for two adventurous people who want to get to know the islands in an easy and worry-free way.

The Crafter camper has everything you need to be your best travel companion, and together with your vanstyle advisor, they will guide you to unique places on the islands.

You put the desire, and we guide you along the way! Do you want to live the experience?

You are coming back from the beach and being able to take a quick shower while you prepare some food to replenish your strength. Sit down to watch the sunset while listening to your favourite music or visit the islands' most symbolic and secret places.

Your travel companion will help you every kilometre, thanks to its driving assistance technology and a multitude of extras, which will make you enjoy your adventure more safely and sustainably.

We are very close to the airport, exactly 7 km.

We give you three transport possibilities:

- VanVaz Transfer: €20 each way. 9 minutes

*€35 return

- Bus: Take line 3 from the airport to the Puerto del Rosario bus station. And then line 7 or 14 to the Puerto del Rosario health centre. From there, it is a 10-minute walk.

*Payment in cash. Approximately €4/pax. 1 h approx

- Taxi: €16.5 each way. 9 min.

*33€ return

Inclus dans la location

  • Assurance pour le véhicule et ses occupants
  • Assistance routière
  • Paiement sécurisé
  • Garantie au départ


Couchage 1
Lit transversal180x200 cm


  • Douche intérieure
  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kit de vaisselle
  • Nécessaire de ménage
  • Consommables
  • Cafetière
  • Direction assistée
  • Fermeture centralisée
  • Autoradio

Caractéristiques techniques

  • Modèle : Volkswagen Crafter Campervan
  • Mise en circulation : 2023
  • PTAC : 3 500 kg
  • Hauteur : 2,59 m

Conditions du propriétaire

  • Caution (gérée en direct par le propriétaire) : 800 €
  • Mode(s) de règlement de la caution : carte bleue, virement
  • Dépassement kilométrique : 0,25 € par km supplémentaire
  • Voyage à l'étranger : Non autorisé
  • Animaux à bord : Sur demande
  • Véhicule fumeur : Non autorisé

Conditions d’annulation

Les modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.


  • Transfert aéroport35,00 € par location
  • Animal de compagnie59,00 € par location
  • Nettoyage intérieur70,00 € par location
  • Conducteur supplémentaire3,00 € par jour
  • Rachat de franchise25,00 € par jour
  • Frais de prise en main27,00 € par location

Jours d'ouverture

  • Ouvert du lundi au dimanche
  • Ouvert pendant les jours fériés

Propriétaire du véhicule

  • Best owner
  • Samuel
  • Membre depuis mars 2022
  • Taux de réponse : 100 %
  • Langues parlées : Anglais, Espagnol, Italien, Français
  • Locations effectuées : plus de 10

Les avis des locataires

Lieu de prise en charge

L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.


À propos de ce fourgon aménagé



Propriétaire du véhicule

The new design of this classic Volkswagen Crafter has improved over the years, making it more spacious and full of surprises. Easy to drive and manageable. You can get the most out of your adventure. Storage space adjusted to all your basic needs, opaque windows, a comfortable mattress to rest on in the back, and many more things will make you enjoy your experience.

Perfect for two adventurous people who want to get to know the islands in an easy and worry-free way.

The Crafter camper has everything you need to be your best travel companion, and together with your vanstyle advisor, they will guide you to unique places on the islands.

You put the desire, and we guide you along the way! Do you want to live the experience?

You are coming back from the beach and being able to take a quick shower while you prepare some food to replenish your strength. Sit down to watch the sunset while listening to your favourite music or visit the islands' most symbolic and secret places.

Your travel companion will help you every kilometre, thanks to its driving assistance technology and a multitude of extras, which will make you enjoy your adventure more safely and sustainably.

We are very close to the airport, exactly 7 km.

We give you three transport possibilities:

- VanVaz Transfer: €20 each way. 9 minutes

*€35 return

- Bus: Take line 3 from the airport to the Puerto del Rosario bus station. And then line 7 or 14 to the Puerto del Rosario health centre. From there, it is a 10-minute walk.

*Payment in cash. Approximately €4/pax. 1 h approx

- Taxi: €16.5 each way. 9 min.

*33€ return

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