Fourgon aménagé

4 places

4 places
de couchage

Permis B

Voyage à l'étranger

Animaux à bord

À propos de ce fourgon aménagé



Loueur professionnel

  • Carte grise vérifiée
  • Contrôle technique vérifié

Blondie is our latest acquisition. It's a van with two double beds in the back. If two people travel, the second bed is dismantled. Despite being more compact, it doesn't compromise the luxury you deserve. It has a shower, toilet, kitchen, and refrigerator. It allows you to park wherever you want. Length 6 meters, height 2.65 meters.

Blondie is our customers' favorite van because it's compact but has everything. Shower, toilet, kitchen, heating, hot water, all on board. Two adults and two small children can travel. However, we don't recommend it for four adults because the upper bed is not very long.

Enjoy your trip in total freedom without having to plan anything. That's the idea of ​​traveling in a camper.

From November to March, 21 days cost € 1771 and 30 days € 2268. If you're interested, contact us because our Yescapa system doesn't match ours. We will adjust the price manually.

We have earned the 'Best Owner' badge here on Yescapa, and it's not for nothing.

We have many extras to offer you, such as bed linen and towels, airport transfer, barbecue, bicycles, children's bicycles, electric bicycles and scooters, folding chairs, and a table for outdoor dining, etc.

It has comprehensive insurance with a deductible of € 800. If you want to reduce the deductible to zero, we can do it. Let us know, and we'll tell you how.

Send us a quote request because our pricing system doesn't match Yescapa's. So the price might be even cheaper than indicated here.

Thank you.

Inclus dans la location

  • Assurance pour le véhicule et ses occupants
  • Assistance routière
  • Paiement sécurisé
  • Garantie au départ


Couchage 1
Lit transversal133x184 cm
Couchage 2
Lit transversal144x186 cm


  • Douche intérieure
  • WC
  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kit de vaisselle
  • Direction assistée
  • Régulateur de vitesse
  • Fermeture centralisée
  • GPS
  • Autoradio

Caractéristiques techniques

  • Modèle : Blondie Fiat ducato
  • Mise en circulation : 2024
  • PTAC : 3 300 kg
  • Hauteur : 2,69 m

Conditions du propriétaire

  • Caution (gérée en direct par le propriétaire) : 800 €
  • Mode(s) de règlement de la caution : carte bleue
  • Kilométrage illimité
  • Voyage à l'étranger : Sur demande
  • Animaux à bord : Sur demande
  • Véhicule fumeur : Sur demande

Conditions d’annulation

Les modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.


  • Animal de compagnie50,00 € par location
  • Barbecue30,00 € par location
  • Transfert aéroport66,00 € par location

Jours d'ouverture

  • Ouvert du lundi au dimanche
  • Ouvert pendant les jours fériés

Propriétaire du véhicule

  • Best owner
  • Gert
  • Membre depuis décembre 2018
  • Taux de réponse : 99 %
  • Langues parlées : Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand
  • Locations effectuées : plus de 10

Les avis des locataires

Lieu de prise en charge

L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.


À propos de ce fourgon aménagé



Propriétaire du véhicule

Blondie is our latest acquisition. It's a van with two double beds in the back. If two people travel, the second bed is dismantled. Despite being more compact, it doesn't compromise the luxury you deserve. It has a shower, toilet, kitchen, and refrigerator. It allows you to park wherever you want. Length 6 meters, height 2.65 meters.

Blondie is our customers' favorite van because it's compact but has everything. Shower, toilet, kitchen, heating, hot water, all on board. Two adults and two small children can travel. However, we don't recommend it for four adults because the upper bed is not very long.

Enjoy your trip in total freedom without having to plan anything. That's the idea of ​​traveling in a camper.

From November to March, 21 days cost € 1771 and 30 days € 2268. If you're interested, contact us because our Yescapa system doesn't match ours. We will adjust the price manually.

We have earned the 'Best Owner' badge here on Yescapa, and it's not for nothing.

We have many extras to offer you, such as bed linen and towels, airport transfer, barbecue, bicycles, children's bicycles, electric bicycles and scooters, folding chairs, and a table for outdoor dining, etc.

It has comprehensive insurance with a deductible of € 800. If you want to reduce the deductible to zero, we can do it. Let us know, and we'll tell you how.

Send us a quote request because our pricing system doesn't match Yescapa's. So the price might be even cheaper than indicated here.

Thank you.

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